All players start with 3 cards. The winning player of the previous game gets +1 card.
The player who spent the most money today goes first.
The group can decide on the direction of play: clockwise, counterclockwise, or another direction if desired.
How to Play:
On a player's turn, they can ask any one player for *any dino cards in hand.
If playing with power rules, follow the actions list.
If the player asked has the dino in question, they *must hand over any number of dino cards that match.
If the player asked does not have the dino, they must reply with “GO DINO.” If “GO DINO” is not said, that player must be shamed into saying so until they comply.
Once a player has 4 of the same kind of dino, they can place them face up on the table.
If the placed dino match has any special *abilities, the player must announce the power and follow any necessary actions.
Players are not required to lay down a match as soon as it is collected; they can wait to use the match and match power when desired.
If a player runs out of cards before the game is over, they must wait until their next turn to draw a new hand of 1 card, if available.
If there are no cards available, the player can continue to ask for cards from memory.
Once all cards have been *matched, the game ends. The player with the most matches wins, knowing they just played a children's game to its fullest potential.
Additional Rules:
*Dino cards must be asked for by the “name means” provided on every card. If any other name is used, that ask is negated, and no cards can be swapped.
*If the ability in question requires every player to do something in series, the order is the same as the turn order.
If a single player matches all 4 of the event sets, they cause mass extinction and win the game immediately.
If a match is made with a wild card and the final card(s) in that set are held or drawn by a player they can discard that card for a new card if available